About the BC Ferry Commission

Providing independent oversight of BC Ferries’ coastal ferry service.
We are an independent body.
We are fully distinct from both the provincial government (which sets ferry service levels) and BC Ferries (which provides coastal ferry service under the Coastal Ferry Services Contract).
Our job? To hold ferry service providers accountable to the people of British Columbia.
We set limits – known as price caps – on average fare and reservation fee increases. We also approve or set conditions for major capital expenditures. And we monitor BC Ferries to ensure that it adheres to its service contract with the provincial government. In addition, we regulate unfair competitive advantage, conduct performance reviews, and encourage BC Ferries to meet provincial greenhouse gas emission targets, to innovate, and to minimize costs while maintaining safe and reliable services.
In everything we do, we’re guided by the Coastal Ferry Act.
The Commission also approves BC Ferries’ customer complaint process. And although we don’t handle day-to-day complaints, customers can appeal to us if an issue has not been resolved to their satisfaction.
Our overarching goal? To maintain a balance.
Our decisions always take into account the public interest and promote our overriding objective: to keep the ferry system affordable to users and taxpayers while sustaining the financial viability of the ferry operator.
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